May 24, 2011

Friday Friends Festival- June 2

On FRIDAY, JUNE 2, from 5:45pm to 7:45pm, join hundreds of community members from all kinds of backgrounds who are interested in getting to know someone who is distinctly different from them. This event is the kickoff to what can become an ongoing friendship that YOU build through a year-long commitment to meet regularly,ask questions and share your story. No, you don't have to meet on Fridays!

The event will be held at the Levine Museum of the New South where you will also have an opportunity to view the award-winning exhibit “COURAGE: the Carolina story that changed America”.

Don’t wait until Friday to register for this FREE and rewarding community event!

Registration required by Thursday, May 26 : 

Levine Museum of the New South is located at 200 East 7th Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 

The Friday Friends Festival is organized by Mecklenburg Ministries whose mission is to promote interfaith relationships, foster racial and ethnic understanding, and inspire collaboration to address social issues.

Mecklenburg Ministries is a  501(c) (3) non-profit organization of 90 member congregations including: Baha’I, Center for Positive Living, Christian, Friends, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Latter Day Saints and Unitarian Universalist.

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